HRFC Update 170924

Sorry members, for the slow follow-up after the September meeting but better late than never. Here are a couple of points that came out of the meeting.

  • Fly-out dates:
You will recall that in my last update I asked for suggested dates for a couple of fly-outs to get the ball rolling now that the weather is becoming a little more user friendly. What we got was “Flavours of Mudgee” on Saturday September 28th <> and  “The Barrington Coast Airshow”  <> at Taree on Saturday December 9th. As these two events are now being listed as HRFC fly-outs, members attending either (or both) of these events will be entitled to claim bonus points (tickets) to boost your chances in the end of year prize draw. Ten points are up for grabs for each event. Also, as the airshow is a “Paul Bennet Airshows”  production,  and PBA is one of our project supporters, any member that spends money at this event (tickets or merchandise) can claim 1 point + 1 point for each $10 spent. A ticket claim form is available on the club website.
  • Hunter Wine Country Poker Run:
Some of you will remember the “Poker Run” that we last held back in 2017 – before Covid19 and the Airport Closures through a spanner into the works. Well, we want to do it all again and the date suggested for this one, is Sunday October 27th (between the two fly-outs). This event takes some organizing and a number of volunteers will be required both on the day and to help with some of the pre-event organizing. For that reason, I am asking for anyone that would be willing to assist to contact me ASAP so that I can determine if the date is achievable or if it will need to be rescheduled to provide a more realistic lead time. If you think that you may be able to help, your reply either by email or a phone call will be appreciated.
  • HRFC 2024 Christmas Lunch:
Date set for this year’s lunch is Sunday December 15th. Venu is still to be confirmed, so if you have a preference, please let me know. Suggestions to date (not in any order) include Self Cater at the club, Spit Roast at the Club, Lovedale Smokehouse (one of our sponsors) or one of the local Pubs. Thought that we should use the Christmas Lunch to draw the main and consolation prizes for the Sponsorship Project. Here is a link to the Lovedale Smokehouse Lunch Menu < Lunch and Drinks Menu August 2024.pdf (> and we probably should also consider Peterson House as the other Sponsor that offers a lunch menu < Cuvee lunch 29082024 (>.  Anyway, let me know your thoughts and it does not need to be limited to the options listed.
  • Spider Control:
I will also follow up with the hangar reps separately to confirm a date for the  spider treatment for the hangars.
  • Next Working Bee: 
We need to set a date to erect the pool fencing (for safety reasons) and three x two metre square concrete slabs for the outdoor furniture at the eastern end of the clubhouse. This is not a huge job, but we will need a few hands on deck on the day once a date can be confirmed. More on this one later.
That is it for now so Thanks & Regards
Bob Finch
Hunter Recreational Flying Club Inc.