HRFC Update 060724

Hello Members,

Just a quicky.

  • New Airport Emergency Contact: The following note was received from  Cessnock Airport Management advising of a new 24/7 phone number to be used when requiring assistance from the Airport Duty Person.


Please phone  02 4993 4228 24 hrs for assistance from the duty person alternately email [email protected] but there may be a delay of up to 24 hours in response to your email.


Tony Allan

Airport Operations


  • Airport Fencing: We have also received advice from Airport Management that fencing around Wayne Russell’s car parking area will commence on Monday Morning. HRFC Members should be aware that this parking area was built and funded by Wayne as part of his hangar development and should not be considered as a general or HRFC parking lot. So please be considerate when visiting the Club or Club Hangars.
  • Tecnam Syndicate Share for sale: Last night I placed a for sale notice on the Club Website for a 1/6th syndicate share in a Tecnam Sierra. For further information, you can access the ad using this link –
  • Hangar space wanted for rent or purchase: One of our members is well into the build of an RV10 and will require hangar space in the not too distant future. If you have a hangar with space available or if you are aware of any space that may become available , please contact John on 0409 073 096.
  • Membership renewals: Response to my recent reminders has been good but there are still a few that have not yet kicked the can. I sent reminders yesterday to the few that are dragging the chain because I want to tidy up the club records and delete any that are now overdue. Once a membership has been allowed to lapse a new membership application is required  to rejoin and that means a new application fee as well.
  • Tooraweenah Fly-in: Don’t forget the Tooraweenah Fly-in on the weekend of  Aug 17-18. We have a member looking for a seat so if you are intending to go and have a seat available, I am sure that Matt Pickett would be pleased to hear from you on 0427 004 564.
  • Next Club Meeting: Our July meeting will be on Sunday next week (July 14th) and I hope to see you there.

That is it for now.


Bob Finch

Club President

Ph  0428 767 279

Hunter Recreational Flying Club Inc.