Dear All,
In working with the contractor Fulton Hogan, Council have secured a plan to allow the runway to open in a reduced length capacity as of 4 March 2022 – (weather permitting) for day VFR only from 0630 – 1800 as no aerodrome lighting will be available at this stage. Please remember circuit training flights can begin at 0800.
There will be works on going during this period please check your notams prior to leaving home to come to airport for your flight for information regarding works or other information.
This will allow operations in a limited capacity to continue until 13 May at this stage at which time the runway will then close to fixed wing traffic until the anticipated re-opening date of 1 Aug 2022
Runway 17 length will be reduced to 720 meters (TODA) and 720 meters (LDA)
Runway 35 length will be reduced to 720 meters (TODA) and 720 meters (LDA)
Runway access from the western side will be via taxiway A to A2 ( the one by the windsock).
Runway access from the Eastern side will be via Taxiway B.
Backtracking will be permitted to RWY 17/35 reduced length threshold.
Note 1 ::::: Access to and from the Eastern Apron will be restricted to aircraft located in the Eastern hangar and helicopter traffic there is no other parking available on the Eastern Apron for fixed wing aircraft at this stage due to works in progress.
Note 2:::: There will be a minor disruption on the first fine weather day in order to allow the reduced threshold markings to be painted on the runway. Estimated time for this to occur is 5 hours of which the runway will be unavailable.
Other information
Skyfuel area on the taxiway B is open as is the alternate skyfuel location on Western apron.
Some hangar areas such as the SW hangars will experience a closure period to enable the new taxiway C to be constructed. (Dates TBC)
Taxiway A3 and A4 are closed.
Taxiway B1 open to the fuel area open – taxiway B to eastern apron closed to other non-authorised traffic.
Grass strip areas will be closed.
Due to the standing surface water that occurs on the runway, the runway may be closed due to rainfall to prevent aquaplaning or reducing the risk of a runway excursion.
Overnight parking for transient aircraft will be limited to prior notice bookings only.
All enquiries should be directed to Airport Operations on 02 4993 4228 or [email protected]