HRFC Update 170225

Hello Members,
Just a quicky!
Hunter Valley Airshow: 
  • The HV Airshow went well over the two days (8th & 9th Feb) and I would like to thank all of those members that assisted. Ten bonus tickets in our next major prize draw have been assigned to each member that provided their time and effort to assist the club. Also, each member that supported our sponsor “Paul Bennet Airshows”  by purchasing  Airshow tickets through the club have been granted one bonus ticket plus one for each $10.00 spent. Again, THANK YOU.

Club Fly-out to Maralinga:

  • Don’t forget that there is a fly-out to Maralinga and a number of other interesting stops currently in the planning stage. At this time it is looking like a departure date of April 27th and a likely duration of about 10 days. So, if you are interested in participating but have not notified the organizers yet, I suggest that you contact either Keith Rule or Keith McGeachie for further information. Otherwise, drop a note back to me and I will pass it on for you.
Tooraweenah Airshow:
  • Our friends at the Arthur Butler Aviation Museum (Tooraweenah Aerodrome) are seeking sponsors for the restoration of a De Havilland Dove aircraft that has been donated to the group. In a gesture of support, Paul Bennet is providing an Airshow on April 5th at Tooraweenah with the proceeds going to the ABAM. Let’s make this a HRFC supported event and if you can make it, why not buy a ticket and earn HRFC bonus tickets for your support. Checkout the attachment for further information.
Next HRFC Meeting:
  • The next HRFC Monthly meeting is scheduled for Sunday March 9th at the usual time and location (11am at the HRFC Clubhouse).
That is it for now
Thanks & Regards
Bob Finch
Club President
Ph  0428 767 279
Hunter Recreational Flying Club Inc.