HRFC Update 100125

Hello Members,
A first update for 2025.
  • HRFC “Monthly” meetings:
    • Don’t forget that as usual, there are no HRFC meetings in January – So no meeting on Sunday.
    • February meeting this year has been moved forward to the 1st Sunday of the month (not the usual 2nd Sunday) to avoid a clash with the 2025 Cessnock Airshow.
  • Cessnock Airshow 2025:
    • This year, Paul Bennet’s Cessnock Airshow will be held on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th of February. I will forward separately, an email received yesterday from Airport Management that sets out some further information regarding some access and flying restrictions leading up to, during and following the event.
    • As in the past, HRFC Members are able to purchase discounted entry tickets for this event through the club. Members can place orders and pay for their tickets through the club and the club will in turn place a single bulk order on Paul Bennet Airchows to receive the discounted rate.
    • Paul Bennet Airshows is a keen supporter of the Club and we are committed to supporting them in return. So any member that purchases tickets or makes purchases at the show is entitled claim bonus tickets in the next end of year prize draw. As with all of our project sponsors, bonus tickets are awarded to members at a rate of one bonus ticket for each $10.00 spent with the sponsor.
    • While on the subject of the Airshow, the Club will have a promotional stand at this year’s event (as we did at the last PB show) so we will need a few volunteers to man the stand. Manning the stand will also attract bonus tickets for members supporting the Club in that way.
  • 2024 End of year prize draw results:
    • There were 31 people in attendance at the Christmas lunch and prize draw.
    • A random draw of the members in attendance for a prize consisting of two bottles of HV Wine was won by John Arthurson,
    • The main prize was again a random draw but included all tickets that had been issued to every member whose membership was current on the day of the draw. There were 83 financial members with at least one ticket each. However, with bonus tickets earned, there were 849 tickets in the draw and the winning ticket (#553) was held by Ron West. This ticket was issued for Ron’s support of the Gloucester Fly-in. The fly-in was listed as a Club supported event. Ron’s prize was a “Basket of Vouchers” from our project sponsors and was valued at approximately $1500.00.
    • There was also a consolation prize awarded to the member that had earned the most bonus tickets but did not win the main prize. This prize was another “Basket of Vouchers”, valued at a little over $500.00 and was won by Graham Godwin who was not in attendance as he was holidaying in NZ at the time.
    • The Club’s commitment to our valued sponsors is that we will continue to support their business by still issuing bonus tickets (in our next prize draw) to members that support them through until the end of June when the project will be reviewed for 2025. So, members should continue to support the sponsors and claim your bonus tickets for our next prize draw – whatever form it may take in 2025.
    • If you have any suggestions as to whether we stick to the same format (with or without modification), change the format completely or scrap the idea entirely, please let me know. Your input will be appreciated
Thanks, and regards
Bob Finch
Club President
Ph  0428 767 279
Hunter Recreational Flying Club Inc.