HRFC Sponsorship Project

Hello Members,

To bring you up to date, the sponsorship project mentioned previously is now in place and here’s a rundown on the system and how to take advantage of it. The project is intended to run through to June 30th 2025 when a decision will be made to either continue in the same format or to try something new.
  • General: The program is an attempt to encourage more member participation in Club functions and events as well as increasing our membership back to pre Covid and airport closure levels.
  • How it works:
    • Sponsors provide vouchers to be used as prizes to members.
    • Prizes are divided into three categories:
      1. Minor prizes of approximately $20 – $50 value each. One to be drawn at random for those in attendance at each monthly meeting.
      2. A single major prize (a basket of vouchers) valued at about $1000 to be drawn just prior to Christmas – Tickets are required for this prize, and just one ticket has been assigned to each member so that all members are in with a chance. However, bonus tickets will be earned by members participating in specified club events and functions and/or by supporting our sponsors.
      3. A consolation prize for the member that earns the most bonus tickets but does not win the main prize.
    • Tickets are not available for purchase, but bonus tickets will be allocated to members for their participation in specific club functions as nominated by the committee from time to time and for supporting the sponsors for their generosity in making the prizes available.
    • Club Activities to start the ball rolling  are: (These may be varied from time to time by the committee, but members will be advised in advance of any changes)
      1. Be a financial club member
      2. Attendance at monthly meetings
      3. Attend a working bee
      4. Participate in a club Fly-out
      5. Participate in a club Fly-in
      6. Man a club promotional stand
      7. Introduce a new member
      8. Purchases through the club (Food, Drinks, Merchandise etc.) (1 ticket for each $10 spent)
    • Supporting a sponsor will earn members one ticket for each $10 spent (up to a maximum of 50 tickets in any one transaction). Purchases can be made either in person or online.
  • How to beat the system:
    • Participate in club activities.
    • Support the sponsors whenever practical
    • Claim your bonus tickets – (A claim form has been added to our website)
    • When making purchases through the club, card purchases will not need to be claimed; they will happen based on the Square Reports each month – However, claims for cash purchases will need to be submitted via the online claim form and small purchase claims (less than $10) will accumulate.
  •  : Your secret weapon when dealing with sponsors: (Shhhhh…..Don’t tell the others)
    • Although tickets can only be issued to financial members (because  non members will not be in the draw), why not form a small group of friends or family when visiting a sponsor? Your group’s combined purchases are supporting the sponsor and can be used to boost your claim value and therefore your chances in the draw.

Let me know if you have any questions and please check out the list of current sponsors and the ticket claim form on our website. You can find them from the main menu, under “Sponsors” <>. Or just click the red link above the footer below.

I intend to add another two or three sponsors to the list, so if you have any ideas or suggestions I would like to hear from you on that subject too.
***  Claims can be backdated to July 1st 2024 and up to three claims can be logged on the one claim form.
***  The number of tickets awarded for each club activity will be advised shortly
***  The issuing of tickets depends on your honesty, so any member found to have submitted a false claim will forfeit all of their bonus tickets.
Now it’s up to you – So, get to it and start earning tickets! 👍👍👍
Thanks & Regards
Bob Finch
Club President
Ph  0428 767 279
Hunter Recreational Flying Club Inc.