Fees & Charges

Hunter Recreational Flying Club Inc.

 Payment Options 2024 – 2025

For the financial year ending 30th June 2025:

Joining Fee:      $75.00 (A one off payment while membership continues – However, if membership is allowed to lapse, this fee is payable again on application to re-join).

Full Member Annual Subscription:      $150-.00

Social & Junior Member Annual Subscription:   $25.00 – (Junior is a student under 18 yrs). If joining the Club after July, the annual subscription for the current financial year will be charged on a pro-rata basis.


  • Once you become a member, your Membership Renewal (Annual Subscription) is due by June 30th each year.
  • Subscriptions and Fees are reviewed at the Annual General Meeting in August each year.
  • If you are a New Member, click here to see Pro Rata Membership Subscriptions and Fee.

How to pay:

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) directly to the Club’s Bank Account.

Bank:     Westpac

BSB:       032 516

Acc No: 12 1379

Acc Name:  Hunter Recreational Flying Club – or – HRFC.

         *Please put your name as a reference.

By cash: To the club’s Treasurer.
PayPal or Credit / Debit Card: To Pay now, click here.

NOTE: If you require an online Membership Application Form, click here.

Hunter Recreational Flying Club Inc.